Brackendale Elementary Home

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Joint Statement on Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools Featured Photo

Joint Statement on Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools

All of B.C.’s provincial education partners for K-12 schools, joined by Minister Rachna Singh, are standing together in solidarity to ensure every school is a place where all students feel welcome, included and respected in a safe learning environment while being fully and completely themselves. Read the Joint Statement on Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools by clicking on the headline.

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Principal's Message

Welcome to Brackendale Elementary School!
We are honoured to learn, work and play on the Traditional, Ancestral, Unceded Territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation and Village of Waiwaikum.  We are a K-6 school in Brackendale, British Columbia serving approximately 320 students.  We love learning outdoors on our ample school grounds and in our lush forests.
Community, connectedness and a sense of belonging are fundamental to our school culture. Teaching and reinforcing empathy, flexibility, persistence, resilience, and optimism, develop a growth mindset and form our core values. Our journey of reconciliation is ongoing.  Each year our staff work with community and students to make our school a welcoming, honouring learning space. Circle, authentic resources, embedding land, language and culture across the curriculum are some ways that we seek to do this.  Our school logo, the Bear, was designed by local indigenous artist, Rick Harry.
To Think Critically is our school goal. At Brackendale, we think critically by using specific criteria to make judgements, assess options, rank and justify choices. When you browse this website you will see how students think critically to enhance their learning.  The pictures, words and videos are here to give you an insight into the rich, meaningful learning that our students enjoy every day at Brackendale. 
We hope you enjoy our school and community! 
Ms. Saenger