School Learning Plan

2023 2024  School Learning Plan is here! See the link below.
Five year plan
Strengths to build on: 
  • Thinking Critically - triangulated student data shows improvement
  • 4 Blankets of Resilience - Indigenous perspectives are woven into daily curriculum 
  • Connectedness - there are 2 or more adults at school who care about me
Opportunities for growth:
  • Grit and Resilience - I can do hard things, I can apply my skills and tackle challenges with a Growth MIndset
  • Kindness and Empathy - I can show through actions and words that I care about myself, my peers, my school, my community and our global society. 

Personal and social competency encompasses what students need to thrive as individuals, to understand and care about themselves and others, and to find and achieve their purposes in the world.”

(See: )